Call for application 2016


As each year, the french association logo_colore recruits 5 instructors for its next “Journées Annuelles de Formation des Argiles” workshop that will be held from october 30 to november 1st, 2016 included in France in Verneuil sur Seine (78):

Description of the proposal :

We are looking for French instructors or European to teach 4 hours workshops to groups from 20 to 25 students maximum.

The project can be either a finished project or the development of polymer clay technique. It must be achievable in 4 hours by people practicing polymer even occasionally but mastering the basic techniques (conditioning clay, Skinner blend, cane reducing…)

Originality and innovative techniques will be appreciated.

All person wishing to respond to this call for applications will send us a file with the following documents :

  • A photo or two of the proposed project ( white background or black if the project involves mainly white clay, without name or distinctive sign).
  • A quick description of the project (s) (no technical sheet)
  • Proof of professional status : any document proving your professional status.

All files must be sent before april 17th, 2016 midnight (GMT hour) at the following e-mail address :

Incomplete files, files sent out of delay or sent to any other email address will not be accepted.

In order to maintain an attractive price, only European instructors may apply, thank you for your understanding.

After validating the files, a committee of 15 people, consisting of  members of the association and professionals in the artistic world, will be responsible for establishing the final selection of projects.

Stakeholders whose projects have been selected will be notified no later than april 30th, 2016 and will be offered a contract by the Association.



Below you will find the rules established by the Board of Directors regarding the JAFA workshop. If you wish to submit a project or be a member of the selection board, it is important to read it carefully.





This Regulation lays on one hand, the conditions of application, both for instructors submitting projects, and jurors selecting the projects, and on the other hand, procedures for receipt of projects, collecting votes and dissemination of results.

I Applications :

A) Instructors’ application :

a) Call for application :

– by a post on the association’s website

– on the association’s Facebook page

– on request of board members

b) Status of the instructors :

– European professionnels

Instructors shall send their project proposals, Siret number or, if not subject to French law, any document attesting to his professional status.

– particular case of board members

Board members may propose projects. In this case, they will not participate in steps of centralization of records and votes.

c) Information for candidates :

Rules for the JAFA will be attached to the call for application.

d) Hitch of one or more instructors :

In case of absence of one or more instructors whose projects have been selected, the Board of the Association reserves the right to call another trainer, or cancel the concerned workshop.

In case of breach of contract in a period lower or equal to 30 days before the date of the event, a compensation of an amount equivalent to the minimum payment may be requested by the injured party. Are excluded from this clause, breach of contract by the provider for medical reasons (upon presentation of a medical certificate) or serious personal reasons(death of a relative), and breach of contract by the association for all causes leading to the cancellation of the event (which would be the case if there were less than 40 participants).

e) Cancellation of the event :

In case of cancellation of the event for which the instructor was hired, the organization will reimburse bills on expenses already incurred by the instructor.


B ) Juror’s application :

The jury will be composed of 15 members.

a) Call for application :

– by a post on the association’s website

Candidates will fill the online form to validate their application.

b) Juror’s status :

11 jurors must necessarily be the members of the association and four members or invited guests (art professionals).

Applications for members will be validated when their yearly membership has been paid for.

c) Particular case of board members :

Board members can not be jurors.


C ) Jurors’ nomination form :

a) the art professionals will be chosen by the board members.

b) two board members not applying the call will draw a lot with the association members’ names.

c) deficiency of a juror :

A new draw will be made.


II Project file :

A) Projetcs :

a) Procedures for filing :

– by e-mail

– number of projects

Candidates may propose a maximum of two projects.

The files shall include : A photo or two of the proposed project ( white background or black if the project involves mainly white clay, without name or distinctive sign) ; a quick description of the project (s) (no technical sheet) ; proof of a professional status as mentioned in paragraphe I A b).

Incomplete or out of delay files will be ruled out.

Board members who have submitted projects will have no statement relating to applications.


b) Case of instructors having already participated in the JAFA :

From 2014 on, the instructors whose projects have been selected for two consecutive years will not submit projects the following year.

This clause does not apply if the number of submitted projects is lower than 7. This fact will then be subjected to information on the association’s website.


c) Confidentiality :

Candidates undertake not to disclose the fact that they submitted projects.


d) Board members designated to centralize projects :

The files will be received by appointed board members without possibility of altering them nor passing them on to other candidates or any other person.

A board member, even candidate himself, may, at the close of receipt of applications, be asked to prepare and put online the post presenting the projects submitted to the vote of the jury.


B) Votes :

a) Voting arrangements and collecting votes :

– Only the jury will be informed of the draw by hidden copy email .

– Projects will be submitted to the vote of the jury via a coded link to access an online page presenting them all.

– The jury will select as many projects as workshops planned for the JAFA of the year. They will vote in order of preference.

– When a candidate has proposed two projects, jurors may only vote for one of the two projects.

– Board members who submitting a project won’t participate in the steps of collecting votes.

– Votes will be collected via the online form attached to the article presenting the projects before a date defined by the Board of the association. Board members designated to receive the mails will keep them in case of future debate.


b) Confidentiality :

Jurors agree not to indicate that they have been appointed jurors, not to disclose, in any form whatsoever, projects in competition; keep their choice secret, including after the vote.


c) Case of ex aequo projects :

In case two projects arrive tie, we will keep the one who has been chosen by the largest number of jurors. In case of a tie, juror’s will be asked a second vote to decide between them.


d) Notification of the outcome of the vote :

– to instructors who have proposed projects (whether selected or not) within a maximum of 4 days after the draw. The number of votes obtained by the project will remain secret.

– to members of the association (in order for them to register) within 15 days after the post on the website announcing the dates of the workshop and the list of selected projects.


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